On The Blog
Hello, and thank you for coming to Functional Lawyer. If you're here, odds are you are searching for a functional medicine lawyer to help you with your new or existing practice. First, let me say congratulations to you. You are moving healthcare in the right direction, whether you just learned...
"Is my functional medicine practice legal?"
I hear that question every day from practitioners around the country. As an expert in functional medicine law, I am constantly getting questions that all come down to the same thing: "Am I going to get in trouble for this?"
The best way to ensure that...
A strong Informed Consent process is one of the best ways to ensure that you, the practitioner, avoid malpractice lawsuits. It is not commonly seen in conventional primary care practices, but it is a critical component of a good legal (and ethical) strategy for functional medicine providers.
Physicians and practitioners who don't want to enroll in the Medicare program (or who want to get out) may “opt-out” of Medicare. This means that neither they nor the patient (Medicare calls them the "beneficiary") submits the bill to Medicare for services rendered.
What's the difference between an independent contractor and an employee?
Scott Rattigan discusses the differences between independent contractors and employees, why you would choose one over the other, and how to avoid paying the IRS years of back taxes.
You can download employment...
Monsanto is having a rough week.
First, on Friday, a California jury ordered the chemical behemoth to pay $289 million to a school groundskeeper who got terminal cancer after using Roundup, determining that the active ingredient in the popular weed killer, glyphosate, contributed to the...
The universe works in funny ways.
Recently, two different providers asked me how to reduce their risk associated with calling themselves "Doctor" without holding degrees or licenses as a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO).
Both hold credentials that entitled...
"What do I do? I have a patient threatening me with a lawsuit. Oh, and I am a sole proprietor." -- A recent questioner
While those two statements have different remedies, they are closely related for one giant reason: if that patient prevails in the lawsuit, they may seek to recover their...
If you are currently "in-network" for a variety of insurance carriers and also seeing functional medicine clients through your own practice "out of network" then you don't want to miss this Legal Quick Hitter.
Communication is key! With most things in the legal and business world, you can save...
Great news out of the Sunshine State this year for providers wishing to expand their telemedicine practice into Florida, legally.
Effective July 1, 2019, providers may now register with the Florida Department of Health and open their telemedicine patient base and marketing efforts to the 21.3...