Can I Delete Bad Reviews?


Can you delete a bad Google review or a bad review on Facebook or even on your website? 

Sorry, but you can't. 


But there are a number of ways you can manage your reviews to turn the negative into a positive!

This week I received this question from one of my clients who received a negative review. No matter how good a doctor you are, everyone gets bad reviews sometimes. You can't please everybody all the time, and sometimes these reviewers are just crazy. Since you can’t delete negative reviews, you might be wondering if you should respond to them instead, because, of course, you don't want people seeing these negative reviews and counting out your whole business just based on one random person with a grudge. Naturally, you want potential customers to focus on your more positive reviews. Dealing with reviews of all kinds can be complicated, so we’ve used our experience to bring you several strategies that can make any review into an opportunity to...

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