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New Florida Telemedicine Law Allows Out-of-State Providers to Legally Practice in Florida

Feb 11, 2020

Great news out of the Sunshine State this year for providers wishing to expand their telemedicine practice into Florida, legally.

Effective July 1, 2019, providers may now register with the Florida Department of Health and open their telemedicine patient base and marketing efforts to the 21.3 million people in our country's 3rd most populous state.

You might be thinking: " I am already practicing telemedicine on Florida-based patients and have been doing it for years. What do you mean this is new?"

Well, if that is the case, you've been violating the law previously but you haven't been caught yet. And, if you are still seeing Florida patients without a Florida license, and you haven't registered with the state health department, then you are still practicing without a license in Florida.

But, I created a handy guide to help walk you through the process of registering in Florida and what you have to do to maintain eligibility and compliance.

It's free and you can get the Florida Telemedicine Out-of-State Provider Registration Guide Here.

Have questions? Let us know! We'd love to hear from you.

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