The Junto w/ Scott Rattigan, J.D.

The Junto w/ Scott Rattigan, J.D.

Hosted by: Scott Rattigan, J.D.

Supporting functional medicine professionals and entrepreneurs in all fields by gathering insights from experts across a wide spectrum of specialty fields, intended to facilitate the mutual self-improvement of the...

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How To Identify and Rewire Limiting Beliefs w/ Dr. Kirstin Lauritzen

006 Summary Dr. Kirsten Lauritzen, a performance coach for high-achieving women, discusses the power to create anything we want in our lives through mindset and brain alignment. She shares her journey from...
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Being Intentional About the Patient Experience End-to-End - w/ Claire Bodtke and Lauren Tancredi

Episode 005 Summary: In this episode of The Junto, Scott Rattigan interviews Claire Bodtke and Lauren Castle, founders of Mediava. They discuss the importance of creating an exceptional patient experience in cash-pay...
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Work Smarter, Not Harder with Human EA's and AI - Uli Iserloh

Episode 004: Uli Iserloh, a leading marketing mind in the integrative and functional medicine space, shares insights on working smarter and not harder. He emphasizes the importance of standing out in marketing when AI...
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Lifestyle Change Made Easier For Your Patients - Dr. Brandon Marcello, Ph.D.

Episode 003 Summary Dr. Brandon Marcello, Ph.D., an expert in human performance optimization, discusses his work with the Department of Defense and the use of wearable technologies to inform individual behaviors and...
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SEO & Marketing Success without Spending -W/ Andrew Newland

Episode 002 Summary Andrew Newland, owner of Functional Medicine Marketing, discusses the ineffectiveness of organic social media and the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) in growing a functional medicine...
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Welcome to the Junto! - The Junto w/ Scott Rattigan, J.D.

Episode 001 The Junto with Scott Rattigan is a podcast that aims to provide valuable insights and resources for functional medicine doctors and entrepreneurs. The show is inspired by the historical Junto club founded...
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The Junto w/ Scott Rattigan - Trailer

I left my law firm in 2017. And as I said my goodbyes, some of the other attorneys looked at me like I was crazy. And maybe I was a little bit crazy, but it completely changed my life. Since then, I've launched...
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